Spanish speaking Mega movies can bring a new flavor to your life. If you love comedy, then you will enjoy watching Spanish movies or any other for that matter. It is not just your choice. There are many different types of comedies available in the cinemas. In fact, if you are tired of the same old plots and characters, then you should consider watching one of the many different novels that are available in the market today.

When it comes to Spanish movies, there are a lot of choices available. The three most popular and commonly seen mega movies in Spain are Los Perros de Las Teresitas (The Wedding Feast), Cuerco de Canasta (The Blue Man Group) and umpteenth miesta de Romero (Romancar: Day of Romance). These three films have some good one liners that will keep you engaged between acts. So, if you are looking for a good comedy that will keep you entertained, then you should go for one of these movies.
Los Perros de Las Teresitas tells the story of four friends who are thrown into a society of ex-convicts. They get away with several days of festivities before being caught by the police. Cuerco de Canasta is based on a novel called La casa de Gallo. In this film, the four friends reunite and find a clue that leads them to a boss of their own – a character named Ramonero.
The third film in the list is umpteenth miesta de Romero (A holiday of Love). This movie tells the story of a young woman named Sonia. Sonia has fallen for a man she met in school. Her family, however, doesn’t approve of her relationship with him. She decides to run away from home and seek solace in the arms of a man she barely knows.
The last film on the list, entitled tempor times (temporary lady) is directed by Sonia Urdin. The movie revolves around the life of Sonia Urdin, a pregnant and single mother. She has decided to sell her daughter to an older married couple, but as expected, things go wrong and Sonia gets taken to a rehabilitation center, where the others continue to look for her.
These were just some of the most popular megastar movies from the past few years. Each of them tells different stories, and each one is a hilarious to watch. Do you want to see some more? Check out my site now for the best picks!