When it comes to the History Channel, there are few shows that can compare to the Mega Movie. This exciting series follows the story of a group of explorers who were forced to abandon their ship, and then attempt to survive in Alaska. This series is truly spectacular and extremely gripping.
The crew of the doomed ship includes Buck Ferguson (Josh Brolin), a seasoned adventurer and hunter; and Don (Danny McBride), a new camper who is a part of Buck and Jane Ferguson’s expedition. In addition to Buck and Don, other notable members of the crew are Sam (Tommy Lee Jones), an African-American who is half-Alaska Native; and Montana (Kevin Pollack), a Native American who is half-Cherokee. The crew of the doomed ship also includes a handful of dogs who are part of a pack known as “The Dogs of War”. They include The Rottweiler named “Killer Joe” who have a penchant for killing everything in sight and The Bulldog named “Lumpy” who is a member of the crew that Buck refers to as “Pussy Cats”.
History buffs will definitely appreciate Mega Movies. For example, the series chronicles the exploration of Alaska and its glaciers, the development of the first European settlers and the history of the Native Americans. The film starts in Alaska and then goes on to explore the frozen wastes of Canada’s Arctic and the Great Barrier Reef. The crew of the doomed ship ends up stranded near an ice wall on the coast of Alaska. Here, they are confronted with a deadly predator which was the first of its kind ever discovered on this planet. This massive predator, the Yeti, attacks the group and is eventually killed by the group.
While the History series can be a bit slow at times, Mega Movies doesn’t fall into this same trap. The group of explorers are faced with many situations that require quick thinking and quick action, yet the scenes never lose the suspense. As a result, I always enjoyed watching this show.
I didn’t watch this movie with the intention of spoiling anything; I just really enjoy watching the show because of how it manages to weave a story between reality and fiction. In fact, some of the best moments of the show are those that have absolutely no ties to reality; which is what makes this show truly amazing and captivating.
If you want to know more about the show, you can find it on DVD or you can even watch it online. If you buy the DVD, be sure to watch it with subtitles so that you can clearly understand all of the dialogue. Also, if you buy the Blu-Ray disc, you’ll find that it’s worth your money because this version is much more visually exciting.